The ability to hire skilled professionals is a crucial step towards success. GCL offers one of the world's most advanced employee-testing solutions providing the quick and efficient commerce knowledge in addition to the existing employee skills.
GCL can be used effectively as a pre-employment test while it can also be used as a development of employee’s commercial skills being that it is harmonized with new economic and business trends, as well as the advantages of information and communication technologies.
Successful companies are looking for people who can think and create, who can use their appraisal to make correct decisions and exercise technical skills. They want people who can take a strategic view and not stumble upon the details. People focused globally while knowing their local market conditions well. Who work in a team by contributing to the organizational culture and are able to work independently at the same time. They want people who know when it is time to take guidance and assume leadership positions by their own initiative. That is why all companies need GCL - Global Commerce Licence® employee certifications.